Hello! I recently stopped by a used book store, and like always, I ended up with probably too many books. Especially when the prices are on the cheaper side, I tend to buy way more books than I really need, so I’m just going to take some time and show everything I got to you.
Okay so first I have a set of The Hunger Games! Honestly, it’s not my favorite series, but it’s a nice addition to my shelf, and maybe I’ll enjoy it more if I reread it. I got the set for $5, so I basically got it for a combination of the price and just me wanting the book. I actually haven’t read it in a few years, but I guess that I can reread it in time along with the other books sitting on my shelf.
Next, I got Heartless (if you couldn’t tell from the vague cover)! I actually read this book a year or two ago and I remember enjoying it, so I’ll definitely reread it. I didn’t read it as closely as I wanted to previously, so maybe on a reread I’ll pay more attention. Although it was beat up a bit, it was $4, and it gives me a chance to read it without having to go to my town library.
Okay so the next one I was actually a bit hesitant on. The price wasn’t bad ($2), but I wasn’t sure (and still am not sure) as if I’ll read it. Apparently it’s adult fiction, and I usually prefer YA a lot more. I’ve heard good things about it from Goodreads though, so I might pick it up in my spare time.
Also, I honestly don’t know where the picture went, but you can see in the combined photo that I also got I’ll Give You The Sun. It wasn’t in the best condition, but this was a really good book that I gave over 4 stars, and I might want to reread in the future. Like the others, it was $2, so it wasn’t too bad. My shelf is mainly hardcover, but it actually bothered me a lot less that I thought it would, which I guess is a good thing.
That’s the end of my mini haul! I hope to make more posts like this, as I waste all my savings on books. Have any of you bought anything recently? You can let me know in the comments :).