
My 2020 Reading Wrap-Up

Where did this year go? I swear it should honestly be about September right now, not a few days away from 2021! I mean, I was all complaining about how 2020 has to come to an end (it was absolutely cursed), but I can’t believe it’s finally here. Literally, my family celebrates Christmas, and it …

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7 Books I Love With the Enemies to Lovers Trope

Hi everyone & happy Tuesday! I know I basically only write lists and tags on this blog, but I am idea-starved and they’re fun (usually)! So, today, I’ll be giving you all of my favorite books with the best trope, enemies to lovers. All the tension and the developing romance is always a favorite of …

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Book Tags

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi everyone! I’m back! I’m currently writing this post at like 3PM on Tuesday, so if it comes out on Wednesday or super late today, you can blame my horrible procrastination. I’ve been so busy with exams & work that I’ve been pushing so many things back, including writing blog posts. But I’ve finally found …

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My Most Anticipated Releases of December 2020

It’s finally a new month, and I’m ready for the holiday season to begin! I feel like December is where winter vibes/season really starts for me (forget the official start day) and I’m excited for it! I’m still kind of mad that some places got snow the other day, while our area got pouring rain, …

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