Book Tags

The Outstanding Blogger Award

Hey everyone and happy Tuesday! Today, I am doing The Outstanding Blogger Award tag, nominated by Cherelle @ A Bolt Out of the Book. She has the prettiest blog, and such a fun, entertaining personality that shines through all of her posts. Yes, I was nominated over two months ago, but you know, better late …

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Book Tags

The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hi everyone! I’m back! I’m currently writing this post at like 3PM on Tuesday, so if it comes out on Wednesday or super late today, you can blame my horrible procrastination. I’ve been so busy with exams & work that I’ve been pushing so many things back, including writing blog posts. But I’ve finally found …

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Book Tags

The Medieval Queens Book Tag

Hi everyone! I’m back again with another post, except this time, we’re doing a tag! I actually totally forgot to write a post for yesterday, because honestly, all the days are blurring in my head, so we can all rejoice in my day-late evening post that I’m writing on the spot! I haven’t actually been …

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Book Tags

The Liebster Award Tag

Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! I’ve basically been absent from here, and I totally didn’t forget to respond to all my comments from over two weeks ago (so if you got a response from me today, shh). BUT, I’m back again with The Liebster Award thanks to Naemi @ ABookOwlsCorner, who nominated …

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Book Tags Lists

My Favorite Book Covers for Each Color

Hey everyone! It’s been a while, and since I’m not feeling like writing (yes, I do know this is a blog where people write posts), I’m here to do something with pictures! I’m unhealthily obsessed with book covers, so I thought I’d share some of my favorites for 9 of *what I think are* the …

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Book Tags Lists

The Problems of a Speedreader (A.K.A. Me)

So, I speed read really bad. It’s such a bad habit, but like all the other nonsensical things I do, I never really think to change my ways. But, this has seriously caused so many problems, that I just thought I’d mention it to all of you on here! So, let’s get started! 1. I …

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Book Tags

My Top 5 Biggest Nonsensical Bookish Habits

Okay, so here’s the thing. I do a lot of bookish things, that in retrospect, make absolutely no sense. The thing is, I’ll regret some of these things right after doing it, but never change my ways. Now this is going to be such an awkward post if I’m the only one doing this, but …

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Book Tags

Mid-Year Book Freak out Tag

Hi everyone! I haven’t done a book tag in SUCH A LONG TIME but I’ve been super excited about so many books this year! This has been such a slow year for me, but I’ve actually read some pretty good books so far! 1. How much have you read? I’ve read a whopping 18 books …

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