
The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead

Okay. This wasn’t my favorite book in the world (I guess it was okay), but I know that it has the potential to appeal to certain audiences, especially those who liked The Selection. Instagram: www.instagram.com/universewithinpages Blog: www.universewithinpages.com This entire story is kind of predictable. You could pretty much tell what was going to happen with …

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Book Blogger Confessions Tag

If you friended or follow me on Goodreads, you would know I took a small break from blogging. I decided to finally end this break and start posting regularly again. I’m going to start my revival with a book tag that I haven’t done yet. I’m not sure who created it, but credit to whoever …

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18 Beautiful Quotes from Sarah J. Maas

One of my favorite series is A Court of Thrones and Roses, which also contains some of the most amazing quotes I’ve heard of. Here are 18 of my favorite quotes from the series, as well as the novella that proceeds it. “Don’t feel bad for one moment about doing what brings you joy.” -ACOTAR …

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Reader Problems Book Tag

Here’s the Reader Problems Book Tag! I really wanted to do something fun, and I’ve hit a slump so it might be a while for review to come out (for me at least), so why not do a book tag? 1. You have 20,000 books in your TBR, how in the world do you decide …

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Furyborn (ARC) by Claire Legrand

I really wanted to like Furyborn, but this was not the book for me. It was on my TBR, anticipated releases, and one of the books I was extremely excited about reading this year. I mean by reading the description, it sounds intriguing. Two powerful women from two different time periods somehow connect. All in …

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How to Start a Blog | Part 3

After your blog has been created and formatted, you will have to learn to maintain your blog. I will link the previous parts down below. Today, I will discuss some post ideas and tips to posting regularly so that your blog is well maintained and consistent.   The most important thing to a blog is …

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How to Start A Blog | Part 2

Now that you’ve successfully set up your blog, (check out part 1 if you haven’t already here http://universewithinpages.com/2018/05/10/how-to-start-a-blog-part-1/) it’s time for design. The style and format of your blog is the first thing that people see when they click on it, making it one of the most important aspects of your blog. If your design …

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How to Start a Blog | Part 1

Setting up an entire blog will seem difficult and overwhelming. There are so many options you can use to create a blog, and there are many technological aspects to creating a blog, and it could be hard. Today, I will attempt to cover as much of the setup as possible so that you can have …

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How to Make a Successful Bookstagram | Part 2

Now that you have a creative and strong username created, it’s time to focus on the quality of your photos. There are many factors to consider when starting to create a feed, and it can be difficult at times to make everything look coherent yet also varied. We’ve touched on this a little in the …

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Rapid Fire Book Tag

I’m sort of running out of ideas, so I’ve been resorting to book tags for good posts. I found this book tag on booktube as I was exploring. I liked the questions involved so let’s go! *Credit to GirlReading for creating this book tag Paperback or Hardback? I love the look and aesthetic of Hardcover …

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