Guest Writer Wrap-Ups

July Wrap Up

Hey! My friend Audrey is going to hop on over here to write a guest post for this blog! I personally have had a horrible reading month (only finishing Tweet Cute), so I thought you might have a little more enjoyment hearing from my friend. Enjoy! Ah, it’s been a while since I’ve written a …

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How to Empty Your Wallet on Special Editions

I’m a special-edition addict, okay? I’ll see a beautiful book and just buy it instantly. I haven’t read it yet? Not a problem, I’m right there counting the money I need with my wallet fully open. I know it’s a pretty great skill, and I’d like to spend a post teaching all of you how …

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4.25 Stars Book Reviews

Book Review: Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

We’ve been in summer for a while, which means it’s time to read all those cute contemporaries you’ve been waiting on (unless it’s just me that vibes those types of books this time of year)! I’ve been wanting to pick up Tweet Cute for forever, but just haven’t gotten to it. I’ve been constantly distracted …

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Book Tags Lists

The Problems of a Speedreader (A.K.A. Me)

So, I speed read really bad. It’s such a bad habit, but like all the other nonsensical things I do, I never really think to change my ways. But, this has seriously caused so many problems, that I just thought I’d mention it to all of you on here! So, let’s get started! 1. I …

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Guides Lists

5 Tips to Get Out of a Reading Slump

This has not been my best reading year. I’ve read around 20 books this year, when last year, I was approaching over 50 at this point. I’m not sure if COVID has just ruined my reading habits, but this has literally been the biggest slump of my life. Now I have heard that other people …

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Book Tags

My Top 5 Biggest Nonsensical Bookish Habits

Okay, so here’s the thing. I do a lot of bookish things, that in retrospect, make absolutely no sense. The thing is, I’ll regret some of these things right after doing it, but never change my ways. Now this is going to be such an awkward post if I’m the only one doing this, but …

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How to Get ARCs (Advanced Readers Copies) From Publishers

So if you’re like me, you’ve been eyeing several books coming out later this year, and thought, “I would literally do anything to get my hands on this early.” And the good news is, if you have a blog, booktube, bookstagram, or take part in any bookish social media, you probably can! I’m sure many …

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