Hey everyone and happy Tuesday! I know my posting schedule is totally nonexistent, but I thought I’d pop on here to talk about Netflix’s Shadow and Bone. Yes, the incredibly hyped show finally released last Friday, and I am not so proud to say that I binge-watched it in the span of two days. I ended up really enjoying it, and I thought it was absolutely amazing to see how the story played out visually, since it’s hard for me to picture things in my head while I’m reading.
So, here are my reasons why you should watch the series and also my favorite parts about it! There are no spoilers for the Netflix show specifically, but there may be some spoilers for plotlines/characters/etc. that overlap with the Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows series. I’m going to include some photos too, so if the formatting is all messed up, we can all blame WordPress (seriously though, I can’t figure out how to make columns look nice for the life of me)!

1. The AMAZING intertwining of stories between Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows

I was SO NERVOUS going into this series, because I wasn’t really sure how they would combine both Shadow and Bone and Six of Crows into one series. However, they alter Six of Crows in such a good way that it fits into Shadow and Bone’s storyline. It keeps the integrity of the characters, while still maintaining the general goal of the Dregs’s mission from Six of Crows. Shadow and Bone’s plot and characters basically stays the same compared to the books, so you know what to expect, but it’s very interesting to see the Six of Crows half for something new!
2. Seeing your favorite quotes on screen
Okay, so maybe this only applies to people who have read the books, but I’m including it on this list anyways. I can’t even explain my excitement over seeing quotes like “fine, make me your villain” on screen. Just hearing the cast say these lines verbally is so revolutionary to me for absolutely no reason. Plus, a bit unrelated, but there’s also a cameo of the Lives of the Saints book on screen! Like, the actual book you can buy. I was losing my mind over it.
3. The romantic tension everywhere

I am a slow-burn romance addict in all of my books and TV shows, and Shadow and Bone has some pretty good ones. We have a bit of Alina and the Darkling, we have Kaz and Inej, and we have my absolute FAVORITES Nina and Matthias. I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with these two, but I couldn’t stop thinking about them hours after watching the show. They’re the perfect example of enemies to lovers. It’s just perfect content to see Nina joking around and humoring Matthias, who really despises her at first, but then slowly grows on her. We also get to see them eat waffles together, and they’re just so cute on screen. We do not get enough of them, and I am very excited to see them next season.
4. The clothing

The clothing choices on this show are just perfect?? They are EXACTLY what I’d expect them to look like, and the keftas are especially beautiful. All the touches of the hats, coats, and even just Kaz’s cane make the show feel just like the books. Like look at the photo! Don’t they all look so cool?
5. The casting

I never really looked too deep into the casting prior to watching the show, but it’s actually really good. Especially everyone from Six of Crows. You can’t tell me that Freddy Carter doesn’t play the perfect Kaz Brekker! I am not a visualizer when it comes to my books and I don’t read carefully enough to tell you any physical traits of these characters, but for some reason they just fit my underlying expectations at the back of my head. The only people that look sort of different than my expectations are the Darkling and Mal, but I will forgive it because of how amazing everyone else is (though I will happily take a better haircut from Mal in future episodes).
The only major people we don’t get from the books are Nikolai and Wylan, which I’m a bit sad about, but maybe they’ll come in a future season? I am crossing my fingers because I need to have a visual connection between the books and what the characters look like hahaha. Plus, they were both really entertaining, and I think we all need a bit of that.

Anyways, so that’s it! I know it’s a quick one, but hopefully it was a fun read. Sorry I’ve been posting a lot less inconsistently too! I haven’t been reading too much lately and I haven’t had any interesting ideas that have motivated me to come on here and write a blogpost. I’ve been trying to crack at Crown of Gilded Bones for the past few days, so hopefully I’ll have enough thoughts to post a review on here soon!
Thanks for reading through, and I hope you all have an amazing Tuesday!
I haven’t gotten a chance to watch the show yet but this post has gotten me even more hyped to start it!! Omg Nina and Matthias are already one of my all-time favorite OTPs, I can’t wait to see what the show does with them 😍
They’re so cute on screen! I hope you enjoy when you get to it 🙂
jesper and milo are another reason to watch, because they’ve both STOLEN my heart omg!! nina and matthias are also so great, and that one scene in episode 6 with matthias laughing was literally everything i could want in life :”) i love love love this post!! 💓
YES Jesper was one of my absolute favorites, and Milo was such an entertaining addition!! And ahhh yes he owns me hahaha.
ugh i truly need to get to shadow and bone soon i’m truly excited to see my favs onscreen and now you mentioned the romance, ahh <3 thank you for sharing allison!
Yes you have to!! Hope you enjoy when you do :)!
It really sounds interesting … also because I’m not that much supposed to imagine Ben Barnes as a villain.
haha yes definitely!