So if you’re like me, you’ve been eyeing several books coming out later this year, and thought, “I would literally do anything to get my hands on this early.” And the good news is, if you have a blog, booktube, bookstagram, or take part in any bookish social media, you probably can! I’m sure many …
The Lost City Blog Tour | Omte Origins Q&A with Amanda Hocking
Hello everyone! The Lost City (The Omte Origins) is an amazing book coming out today, July 7th, and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to do a Q&A with author, Amanda Hocking! She the author of over twenty young adult novels, including the New York Times bestselling Trylle Trilogy and Kanin Chronicles. Several of …
5 Anticipated Releases/Books I’m Dying to Read in 2020
Hi! Now that it’s the middle of the year, I thought that I’d show a couple of books that I’m super excited for! So many great ones have come out already, but there are also so many good ones that are going to come out soon! Even though it’s been a horrible year for world-events, …
How to Get Started on Bookstagram and Gain Followers: Tips, Tricks, and More! Part 1
Hello everyone! As some of you may know, I’m fairly active on bookstagram over at universewithinpages, and now that there are so many new accounts getting started (with everyone home from COVID), I thought it would be nice to share some tips! I think I might have done this post 1-2 years ago, so I …
Allison’s June Reading Wrap-Up
I cannot believe it is already the end of June! I mean, where did time go? I feel like it’s flown ever since social isolation, and I barely even know what day of the week it is! But…the end of June also means that it’s time for my monthly reading wrap-up! My friend Audrey might …
Mid-Year Book Freak out Tag
Hi everyone! I haven’t done a book tag in SUCH A LONG TIME but I’ve been super excited about so many books this year! This has been such a slow year for me, but I’ve actually read some pretty good books so far! 1. How much have you read? I’ve read a whopping 18 books …
Book Review: The Kinder Poison by Natalie Mae
Thank you to Penguin Random House and Netgalley for providing me an ARC of this book! I got this book about a week back and I really like the concept of the book. It follows the main character, Zahru, who was chosen to be the sacrifice of a royal kingdom. There are three heirs to …
Book Review: Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena
Note: While this is an ARC, I was given a copy of this book from a giveaway, not for review purposes. All reviews and thoughts are my own. I won this ARC a couple weeks ago from YallWest (or YallStayHome) and I’m excited that I got a chance to read it! It is a fantasy …
May Reading Wrap-up
Hello! It’s the final day of May and I thought I’d do a little reading wrap up. I usually don’t write reviews for every book I read, and thought that it would be fun to share my thoughts on a couple others as well! So I read six books this month, and they were all …
Book Review: Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
Going into this book, my expectations were pretty high since I’ve seen so many others talk about how much they absolutely loved it. Almost everyone I know thinks this book is amazing, but it honestly didn’t start picking up for me until the last half. I thought there were multiple parts that were kind of …