I was thinking of blog ideas the other day and this one ended up popping in my head! I know that a ton of other articles show up when you look it up, but I thought that I’d show my own take on every way to organize your bookshelf! I’ll do a little description and …
Five Anticipated Releases for November 2020
It’s that time of the month again, where I gather up some interesting books that are releasing next month! I loved doing this post last month, and I thought it would be fun to do it all over again. I only included five releases for this month because I’m horribly busy, but maybe it’ll be …
How to Get Started on Bookstagram and Gain Followers: Tips, Tricks, and More! Part 2
Hey! So, after noticing that I literally haven’t posted in another two weeks (which has felt like an actual fever dream), I was like yeah, I can’t procrastinate on this anymore. I was thinking of ideas until I saw this over in my drafts! I know that bookstagram tips don’t apply to a lot of …
September Reading Wrap-Up | Mini Reviews and My Book Haul!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven’t been posting too much lately. I’ve been super busy with classes, and I literally feel like I’m drowning in work! It’s okay though, I’ve made time just for you guys, and I thought it would be nice to do a shorter “catch-up” post about all my bookish antics. This post …
23 Anticipated YA Releases for October 2020
Hey everyone! I’m back, and I’m here to share my top anticipated releases for October 2020! I believe I did an anticipated releases post for all the releases for the rest of the year, but I thought it would be fun to include more books from just next month! I love making list posts like …
Letting Other Opinions on Books Influence My Own
I struggle a lot with having my own dissenting opinions on things. This ideal has become especially prevalent in my reading, where I’ve begun solely reading books that have over a 4 star rating on Goodreads. While that high rating is certainly a good thing, it leaves a lot of room for having an unpopular …
Tier Ranking 10 Popular YA Books – Mini Reviews
Hey everyone! Today, I am going to be tier-ranking the 10 most popular YA books I’ve ever read. For those of you who don’t know what tier-ranking is, it’s basically just ranking how much I like books on a scale of S, A, B, C, D, and F (going from best to worst). I thought it …
August Wrap Up
Since Allison didn’t read that much this month, I decided to jump on and talk about my reading month. August was a great reading month for me, as I finished a total of 20(!) books. I’m honestly really surprised I was able to read this many books since I thought I would be busier and …
The Liebster Award Tag
Hey everyone! I hope you’re all doing well! I’ve basically been absent from here, and I totally didn’t forget to respond to all my comments from over two weeks ago (so if you got a response from me today, shh). BUT, I’m back again with The Liebster Award thanks to Naemi @ ABookOwlsCorner, who nominated …
Bookstagram & Creative Blog Tour: Sword of the Seven Sins by Emily Colin + GIVEAWAY
Hi everyone! For today’s post, I’m excited to be sharing a stop in the bookstagram & creative blog tour for SWORD OF THE SEVEN SINS! From Emily Colin, author of the New York Times bestselling novel The Memory Thief comes the first book in a YA Romantic Dystopian trilogy about a world where citizens live …