
Sky in the Deep Q&A | Adrienne Young

Have any of you heard about the newest release in YA fiction, Sky in the Deep? It’s an amazing story based on vikings, and I would recommend it to nearly everyone. I actually received and E-Arc of it about a month ago, and it’s definitely a book I would read the final version of. Here …

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Shadowsong by S. Jae Jones

“It isn’t life that keeps the world turning: it is love.” *3.5/5 This book was a small improvement from the previous, but it is still far away from perfect. The author solved some of the issues from the first book, but I still felt like there were some new issues too. Nevertheless, I didn’t hate …

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Wintersong by S. Jae Jones

“Love is the bridge that spans the world above and below, and keeps the wheel of life turning.” I had several major issues with this book. The first was all the confusion I had. Many things didn’t make sense to me and I don’t think the world building was good. The Goblin King was a …

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Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

“You’re both the fire and the water that extinguishes it. You’re the narrator, the protagonist, and the sidekick. You’re the storyteller and the story told. You are somebody’s something, but you are also your you.” *3.5/5 I’m not exactly sure if I like this book or not. I love the mental disorder side of the …

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How You Can Get Free Digital ARCs

You might see tons of blogs or users talking about how they got the newest ARC for an unreleased book, and wonder, how might I be able to do this? Well, with some luck and patience, it’s actually quite simple. ARCs, or advanced reader copies are unreleased books that the publishers give out in return …

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YA Fantasy Recommendations

The genre of fantasy may seem extremely intimidating. There are so many sub-divisions, and the universes are more difficult to get into and understand. Today, I wanted to give a few recommendations for those of you who are unsure and possibly intimidated by fantasy.   Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo This is, undoubtedly, one …

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Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

I haven’t done a book tag yet, so I decided to finally do one. I saw this tag on YouTube and found that many people did it, but instead of putting this tag into video form, I will instead write my answers. Credit to TheBookArcher for creating this tag! A popular book that everyone likes, …

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Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

“Power is not the answer. It will only intensify the fight.” Wow. This book was just amazing. I don’t think I’ve read this good of a fantasy in a while. I think this book encompasses all of my favorite elements of fantasy into one book. This deserves all the hype, and it has definitely joined …

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Monthly Wrap Up: March 2018

March was one of those “meh” reading months for me. I didn’t read that much, but I did read a decent amount of books. I kept forgetting to go to the library, so I ended up only reading 14 books (which was a huge downgrade from last month). I will also leave links to my reviews …

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